Hello! I just wanted to write a quick blog tonight about my dad and brother Chris. Today is there birthday. I talked with my brother Chris this morning and wish him a happy birthday. Hard to believe you are 44!!! Wow..we are getting old! I sure miss you. I haven't seen Chris since the last time I was in Calif. which was when Hannah was a newborn. I sure am grateful for an older brother. I just wish we lived closer so our children could know each other.
Now my dad. They share the same birthday of course. My dad passed away 18 yrs ago almost 19 but he has now been gone as long as I was with him on earth. It is hard to believe!! He hasn't seen me as an adult or married or a mother! I remembered before he died he always wish he would have been able to have been around his grandchildren since none of his kids yet were married,but it is really nice to know that he is with one. My Alyssa. I pray that she is teaching him the gospel and all she knows about it. I pray that he will accept it too. Also, I hope my dad is telling Alyssa about me. I am grateful for the gospel and knowing we will all be together again one day!! I love you dad happy birthday!!