Hannah and I got to go to Utah last week! It was a lot of fun. We had so much fun I got sick the end of my trip from going and going the whole time, and staying up late playing games and watching the Olympics!
When we got there Uncle Matt was there picking us up with Bronco. Hannah was so excited to see him as always! She never wants to let him go, until he sees the girls!! As soon as we got to there house she played and played her heart out!! From sun up or even before, on some days to Sundown! She played with Nastassaja, Mikayla, and Briella! Then on some days she also played with my other nieces Holly and Kitty, mainly those two because the rest are just so busy! Lizzie teaches ballet and is VERY good! Mary was swimming the whole time I think we were there, or in school and Julianna playing with friends.
Matt and Michelle took us up one of the canyon's so Hannah could play in the river! She had a BLAST!! She didn't want to leave. She didn't even think it was cold she just played and played. It was the first time for me to be able to do something like that too. We just watch the girls play while I took pictures!
On another day while we were there we went up to Temple Square. Yes, think I am crazy, I have lived in Utah and been up there several times, but I wanted Hannah to see it. Wow, so much has changed since I have been there and I didn't even see it all! I didn't get to the conference center and I heard that is some sight to see too. But,we did go to Temple Square first and the girls kept saying why can't we go in. We would try to explain to them when they get older they will be able to go in. Then they would say but if it is Heavenly father's house why can't we go in. It was really cute. We also went to the church museum there. It was so neat! We spent most of our time there. If you haven't been there you need to go! There is a room of prophets there that tell about them all and have some of their own things in it for display. It was just really neat.
We had a really great time. I got sick though towards the end of my trip because I kept doing to much and not slowing down! On another day, I went to see My stepbrother and Holly and his girls. they took us up to see Kinacot (probably spelled wrong sorry) Canyon. It was really neat. They are mining up there for gold and you can go to the top and see from S.L.C to the southern part of Union country all in one view!! It was Georgous!!
We did miss seeing Chris' side of the family while we were there. Like I said, I got sick with a HORRIBLE sore throat!! I have lost my voice completely and just drained. I felt bad not seeing them but I didn't want his grandparents to get it. We also missed Chris not being there with us. Next time he will have to go with us!
We had a great time while we were there. I got to see one of my companions from my mission and we ate at my favorite restaurant Cafe Rio!! I actually had to eat there 3 times to get my fix!! I was pretty beaned out by the time I left.
We loved being in Utah. We couldn't say what was our favorite part. We got to meet Jonathon's girlfriend Julia and Hannah fell in love with her instantly!! I love being in the east but have learned how important family is and when we are together to appreciate the time we have together!! Until next time!!