Saturday, May 29, 2010
Ivin's Utah!!
Yes, It has been awhile again..I never promised I would be good at this and the sad thing, I have always kept a journal and for the past year or so I have been so bad at that!! We are settled now, for the most part so hopefully I can get better!
We have now lived here for three months even though we miss North Carolina, especially our friends and ward we love it here!! We love our new home! We love our neighborhood and it is so weird to get use to our ward being not 20 min. or so from one end to the ward to another, but having our ward only being a few blocks! I already received a new calling. My scariest calling ever I thought I would have is second counselor in the Relief Society!! I had my first ever enrichment this past Tuesday and it went great thanks to Laura. We made homemade cards and she did so much work!! It was fun to see the finished project!
Hannah is doing GREAT! She loves school! She loved her teacher she ended up w/ this year here in Red Mountain Elementary! She did really great. I am so proud of her and her reading and spelling. Her math is doing great too. So, grateful for her and the fun she is in our life. She has found out she has a love for Hiking! One of the first weekends we were here we went to Snow Canyon,which is almost in our back yard and she loved it! We went w/ cousins of ours and she just had a blast.
Since, our adventure to Snow Canyon, we have been to Zion's and just today Grand Canyon!! It was so much fun! So, grateful to be by all these wonderful national parks!! I grew up in S.Calif, and sad to say I haven't been to any of these. Grateful for my husband who grew up going on road trips and it is fun we can do it in a day!!
Since we have moved in we got our yard done. That was my Mother's day present which is wonderful!!
I sure love my friends in NC, and miss them terribly but so grateful to be near home and close to family! I am grateful for the phone and Facebook to be able to stay in touch really well!! Thanks for keeping track of our outings and adventures..Life is good!