Saturday, May 2, 2009
Teacher Appreciation Night!!
Last night we had our ward Annual Teacher Appreciation night. We have tried to invite Hannah's pre-school teachers in the past but they were always busy which is common everyone has families and busy with there life but last night we were so excited because Hannah's kindergarten teacher Mrs. Hughes and her daughter, Amber was able to attend. It was so neat to be able to sit with her on a one one one causal setting. She says Hannah is doing great in school and loves having her in her class. I am just grateful for Mrs. Hughes for having patients because I know how Hannah can be. She is excited about life and loves learning but it is really hard for her to sit still and she loves to hum while she is learning. She is such a happy girl and doing really great in school! We just got her I think it would be her 3rd quarter report card and she is excelling in Reading and doing great in all areas she has all S--which means Satisfactory. Her teacher loved last night. Loved the music that we sang and was happy to be there. It was really nice because she lives right across the street from the church and always saw our traffic and wondered what our building look like inside. Amber and Hannah got a long great together and grateful she came also. Thank you for all those who helped that night be a huge success!! Hannah didn't want to go up to give her teacher a rose or the certificate. She just cried. She just doesn't like to be in public and have a lot of attention but she makes so many friends so easily! We sure love her teacher Mrs. Hughes and so blessed to have had a great experience in Kindergarten!!